Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Life Of Pi And The Historical Tablets Of The Epic Of...

The Journey Through life there are many complications but an individual is defined by how they deal with it and how they keep moving forward. In Hermann Hesse’s novel Siddhartha the main character goes through life not worrying about the destination but rather on the experiences and knowledge he acquires from the it. The search for a meaning of life has been a topic throughout the different literary periods and that has been established in the novel Siddhartha, the film Life of Pi and the historical tablets of the Epic of Gilgamesh. The search for meaning in a person’s life has taken the main characters in different journeys but the resemblance in their quest leads them try and accomplish transcendance and it becomes reality through their lack of conformity and their understanding of the interconnectedness of everything. The true understanding of one’s life can sometimes never be discovered until one’s deathbed but throughout life there has to be a sear ch for that meaning. The recurring theme of trying to reach some sort of eternal life has been used in many novels and stories. In Siddhartha the search for that comes through the journey but it is never established until the end. Siddhartha set out on his journey to obtain knowledge but he was never settled for what he had, just like Gilgamesh in the Epic of Gilgamesh. The difference was that Gilgamesh made it his mission to reach eternal life. This is what led to his destruction. Humans have to learn their spot on

Saturday, December 21, 2019

I Really Enjoyed This Podcast By Rogier Van Der Heide

I really enjoyed this podcast by Rogier van der Heide. I am forever wandering around my house turning lights off and it s not just a money/planet saving action. Darkness is wonderful and important, it is the reason I put dimmers on almost every light switch on the plans for our new home. Without darkness, the concept of light doesn’t exist or at best without the contrast of darkness, light is not recognisable. The beauty of light could not be seen. Furthermore, the beauty and peace that comes from darkness wouldn’t be so if it weren’t for the contrast of light. I have also just watched the TED talk about introversion, identifying that the ‘yings’ and the ‘yangs’ are both required to have a complete experience. Heide speaks holistically of light quality. Light quality is not just about the bland, measurable approach we take ensuring we meet the imposed standards required for lighting particular spaces. I am left wondering why it is that we choose to power up a building with artificial light rather than use the light from the sun where possible. There are so many ways in which we can do this, why are we so reluctant? Is it easier to just thoughtlessly do what was once probably considered amazing and innovative? The more I think about it the more I would consider grid like lighting design senseless, unhealthy and unimaginative! Also, the sunlight is free, if that’s not good enough reason to utilise it then I don’t know what is! Furthermore, are we actually doing our eye

Friday, December 13, 2019

Genetics of Organisms lab report Free Essays

Measuring only a few millimeters in length, fruit flies take up a fraction of the room of other organisms such as fish or rats that have also been used in such research. The flies are small enough to be compact, yet large enough to be seen in great detail under a dissecting microscope. Due to their size, cost of food and space to house them is extremely low, making them easily accessible to schools and laboratories every. We will write a custom essay sample on Genetics of Organisms lab report or any similar topic only for you Order Now Veer. The entire life cycle Of the fruit fly is a mere 30 days, 7-12 days of which are spent maturing. 2-15 hours after eggs are laid, larvae emerge for 4 days to grow and feed on toting fruit (which their eggs were laid on) before undergoing a 4 day metamorphosis after which they are adults. The rest of their adult lives are spent eating and mating (Fruit Fly). Females are able to mate as soon as 12-18 hours after the 4 day metamorphosis. Differentiating male and female flies is quite simple; males (left) have sex combs which look like small black dots on their front legs and have fewer dark lines across their abdomen. Females (right) are typically larger and have dark stripes across the abdomen and have an ovipositor extending from the lower abdomen (Lab Seven). Today, fruit flies are being used in stem cell research of gremlin cells. These highly vital gremlin cells become gametes and carry on the evolution of a species. Researchers at the university of Utah have been studying how germ stem cells protect themselves from becoming somatic cells using fruit flies. It all began in 1 922 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology where Ruth Lehmann discovered a gene she named â€Å"Oscar†. Oscar is responsible for adding a vital protein to the plasma of the germ stem cell that when inactive inhibits the production Of germ cells. When it is turned on, germ cells are produced and kept as stem cells through â€Å"extreme transcriptional repression†. During this process, DNA is inhibited from being transcribed to RNA which in turn means no gene expression. This research is delving into the specifics of stem cells which are suspected to hold treatments for many diseases (Scheduler). While our lab wasn’t investigating the mechanics of stem cell development, we studied the inheritance of traits though generations of flies. Our objective was to see the different patterns of inheritance that genes can take. To have exults as close to expected as possible we kept temperature, food and light constant throughout all tests as controls and let the mating and passing of traits be the variable. Keeping all other factors constant we hypothesized that if cross A showed monophonic inheritance it would have a 1:2:1 ratio, dibber crosses would have a 9:3:3:1 ratio and sex linked inheritance would show a ratio of inheritance. Materials Fruit Flies (Drosophila Melanomas) Cross A: Sepia female x Wild male Cross 8: Vestigial female x Sepia male Cross C: White female Wild male Colored tape Petri dishes Fruit fly blue media Flyway Plastic vials (with foam stoppers) Microscopes Paint Brushes Funnels â€Å"Morgue† Ice packs Procedure 1. Obtain a vial of Fl generation flies (either cross A,B, or C and make sure to label the vials as such). The first objective is to remove the flies from the vial without having them fly away. To prevent this, wedge a wand that has been dipped in fly nap between the foam stopper and the vial so that it reaches into the vial to anesthetize the flies. To help immobilizers them, placing the vials in a cool location or on an ice pack can help to calm them as they are Elian on environmental factors. 2. After the flies have been anesthetized, remove them from the vials and place them in Petri dishes with labels matching the vials they came from to avoid confusion. To remove the immobilizers flies from the vial, it is important to be gentle and avoid crushing any flies. The majority of the flies should fall from the vial when it is inverted, but to remove any that are left, a paintbrush can be very useful to move them without causing them any harm. 3. Once the flies are in Petri dishes, place them on ice packs to prevent the flies from waking up during counting. Place the ice pack and Petri dish under a dissecting microscope. With the help of the microscope, record the sex and phenotype of all flies. To maneuver the flies within the Petri dish, use a paint brush to avoid harm. The characteristics of sexing flies is described in the introduction on page 2. 4. Once the flies have been sorted by sex and phenotype, prepare the vials for the PA generation. Mix equal parts dry food and water and let it set in the vial. Make sure to label the vial with the phenotypes of each parent of the cross. . Once the vials are prepared, begin placing in pairs of male and male flies into the correctly labeled vials. Use paint brushes for moving flies if necessary. Cap these vials and place them in a warm area. These flies will mate and produce the IF generation 6. After the IF vials have been sitting for approximately 10-12 days, remove the adult flies. By this time the flies will have mated and the female will have laid her eggs. Removing the adults will prev ent Fl flies from mating with IF offspring. To do this, carefully use Nap (technique as described in step 1), being aware that fly larvae are more sensitive and may be fatally harmed by â€Å"over-napping†. Remove the flies by inverting the vial and placing the adult Fl flies in the â€Å"morgue† (a jar containing alcohol or baby oil). Then close the vial and allow it to sit for another 12-15 days. 7. After 12-15 days have passed, record the sex and phenotype of all adult flies. As described in steps 1-3 Flyway will be used to anesthetize the flies before they are removed from the vials to be put into Petri dishes for counting. Once all of the flies have been counted and recorded, place them into the â€Å"morgue† and dispose Of all vials. Rest Its Fl Results: Cross A -? Wild Male x Sepia Female E – Wild eyes e – Sepia eyes Cross B – Sepia eye normal wing male x Wild eye vestigial wing female beef x Beef Fee Beef Sepia eyes e F – Normal wings f – Vestigial Wings Cross C -? Wild male x White female Exe x EXE Exe Exe e – White eyes IF results: Cross A – Wild male x Wild female Chi-square Analysis Phenotype # Observed # Expected (o-e) (0-e)2 (0-e)2/e Wild eyes 256 260 -4 16 . 615 91 87 4 . 1 83 Chi-square Value . 25 Null Hypothesis: If a monophonic cross is performed between two fruit flies that are both heterozygous for eye color, the expected offspring counts would be in a 3 wild: 1 sepia ratio and would have a chi square value less than 5. 99. How to cite Genetics of Organisms lab report, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Police Duties free essay sample

Local and State law enforcement agencies have many duties, functions, and responsibilities. Most people think that all law enforcement agencies are the same. They do have similarities, but also have differences as well. Some duties, functions, and responsibilities of local law enforcement agencies are to serve and protect our communities. Local law enforcement agencies arrest criminals, they do routine patrolling, they patrol our communities to stop and prevent crime.They investigate rimes that were committed; they find evidence and witness to solve crimes. Local law enforcement agencies enforce traffic laws so our streets run smoothly, they respond to traffic accidents and make our streets are safe and in order. They also provide crowd and traffic control for events like parades and funerals. The local law enforcement agencies handle disputes and they keep the peace in the communities.The duties, functions, and responsibilities of State law enforcement agencies are to peep our highways safe by patrolling the state highways. We will write a custom essay sample on Police Duties or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The state police enforce both state and local laws. The state police handle criminal investigations and deals with public relations, they also assist local law enforcement agencies when necessary. The difference between local and state law enforcement agencies is that the state law enforcement has more Jurisdictions and is higher on the ranking scale than the local law enforcement. State law enforcement is paid more than local law enforcement. State law also deals more with the politics than local law. Three federal law agencies are the FBI, the DEAD, and the Secret Service. The FBI handles serious cyber crimes, deals with foreign intelligence operations, the FBI has Jurisdiction on the whole United State, and they tend to keep out of local law enforcement cases, but will interfere when needed. The DEAD deals with drug cases. The DEAD handles the finding of evidence for major drug cases.They also deal with drug gangs in our communities. The main focus is to get the drugs in the United States under control. The last federal agency is the Secret Service. There are only two responsibilities that the Secret Service has, and they are to protect the president, the vice president, and their families. The other responsibility is to enforce counterfeit laws. All in all the State and Local law enforcement agencies have the same duties, functions, and responsibilities.